A Nerdy Girl's Wish List:
1. Zelda: Ocarina of Time Shirt
You won't get the joke unless you play the game, but isn't that a big part of being a nerd? Stupid inside jokes.
Anyway the t-shirt and it's price can be found here. It is originally from BustedTees.
2. Mario Wall Decals:
Does this one even need words? How cool would it be to look like a Mario game is happening right on your wall? Very Cool is the answer!
Pics and Wall Sticker prices can be found at ThinkGeek.com.
3.Batman Shirt/Hoodie
I don't think this one needs explanation. Batman is super cool. You can find these items and their prices at superherostuff.com.
That's all for right now, folks. And just so you know none of these websites paid me anything to promote them or their products. I'm merely a fan.
Stay Curly!!! :)
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