So I took my yarn braids out as I said before and I did a twist out and here is the result.
Ugh such a stupid picture. Sorry I suck at it. |
Here is a closer look at the twist out. My hair had mad definition. |
Here I am showing how long my hair really is. I know some naturals don't like stretching their hair to see how long it has gotten. But I do so nyah. Also my hair shrinks like crazy so it is a better indicator of how much my hair has grown. |
Another Stupid picture |
AAaaaand another stupid picture. I dunno why my lips look like that. They look weird.
So that's my resulting twist out. Next time I want to do bigger chunks of hair. I did really little twists all over my head last time and it not only took forever but... I didn't get the lovely fluffy afro that I desired sooo better luck next time.I did achieve awesome curl definition, though. So that's a plus.
Oh yeah, here is what I used:
Prepoo- Mixture of Olive, Coconut, and Grapeseed oils
Shampoo- Herbal Essence Hello Hydration
Deep Conditioner- Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner
Styling: (in order of use)
Hawaiian Silky 14-n-1 Miracle Worker Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie Oil Mixture mentioned above
Stay Curly!
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