This piece is not a pity piece though I understand that the title may be misleading. It's not one of those annoying articles where the girl goes "Oh! I'm so ugly and unpopular! Somebody please comment and tell me otherwise!" The truth is I don't believe either of those things and it's not because I'm conceited but because I know exactly who and what I am. Which brings me to the first thing on my list:
1. I know exactly who and what I am
I understand that there are some people who feel like they know who they are and what they want at age 16, 18..21....whatever. But I'm just not that person. Sure I know and understand somethings about myself but I'm only 20 years old. My brain hasn't even fully developed yet and I'm definitely not done maturing, but in high school I thought I was. I'm sure plenty of young girls feel that same way. You get one grade closer to college freedom and they think they know everything and more than everyone. You're one hundred percent sure that you want to be a model, actress, hairstylist, scientist, engineer when you get older. Your style is indie chic with a single dread or pink streak in the front of your head to show everyone you're an individual and you're damn sure not gonna change anytime soon.
But it's not true. Most college students change their majors at least once and lots of people who decide college is not their ideal life path find that they become interested in new things as they grow.
Me? I've known I've wanted to be a writer since elementary school and that's about the only thing that has remained the same. My ambitions, clothes, beliefs have changed so often since then. And not that I was being untrue to who I was or "fake" as the young kids say. But I believe each phase was just a little piece of who I actually am. For example I used to think that I was shy and quiet only to realize my Sophomore year of college that I'm quite opinionated and outspoken. Sure at times I'm still shy but it's no longer something I would label myself as since it doesn't happen as frequently.
So will I ever know and understand each piece that makes up the puzzle of me? No. I don't think I will and I kind of like it that way. Take THAT high school me.
2. Everyone Likes Me
This next number kind of goes hand in hand with the first. Since I've explored many different aspects of my personality, I've found myself in a wide range of different groups of people who I could identify myself with at the time. That being said I've always had at least one close friend in my life with lots of associates, and honestly, that's okay with me. I'd much rather have a single best friend than a thousand facebook ones.
Anyway, I'm not sure how i happened. I guess I've always been pretty well liked and I never stepped on anyones toes on purpose, therefore at some point I got it into my head that everyone likes me. Imagine my surprise when people tell me that so and so thinks I'm stuck up or the old playground accusation of "she thinks she's allll that!". Even in college some of my friends have told me that when they first saw me they thought I might be prissy and a little stuck up.
I'm not sure how anyone got these ideas even now. I don't talk about myself or my goals excessively and even so a lot of these people make this assumption based on my appearance which I think is kind of stupid. I try to appear put together and confident because I am. That doesn't mean I'm stuck up. But I digress. My point is (trust me there is one haha) that everyone is not going to like you and the more people you meet and the more friends you make the more people you're going to piss off. Sometimes for doing nothing at all. But the important thing is for you to be okay with that. I know some friends who thrive off the approval of others. But as long as you're happy with yourself you really shouldn't care. Ugh That didn't sound too cheesy did it?
3. Keeping it Real Doesn't Mean be a Douche
I would love to say that this one doesn't apply to me and it was really my ex best friend who everyone hated and grew up ugly and hunchbacked, but the truth is in high school it Was me. I wasn't exactly the 'mean girl' because I was a nerd so what could I do? But I was pretty mean to people I thought were beneath me by being not as smart or ugly or whatever I was against that day.
Thankfully I'm not that way now and I honestly did it to make myself feel better. But I've found that some college aged people and even those who are older have yet to learn this particular lesson. There is a distinct difference between being 'real' and being 'an asshole'. I hope no one gets offended by my language I'm really not a sailor but I feel the word fits here. Being 'real' does not mean you whisper to your friends that the girl across the lunchroom looks like a fat cow. That's called being rude.
Being real is telling your friends she has a booger hanging out of her nose or that her boobs pop out too much in her dress. Being real is saying what you feel in your heart like 'Twilight is a stupid series and pickles are gross' as opposed to pretending to like Twilight or pickles.
Talking about people behind their backs or acting like a douche bag does not make you a real it just makes you a horrible person.
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