Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dry Hair Dilemma

My natural hair care journey started in the fall, meaning that this week when the hotter temperatures finally started to come in, I had no idea how my hair would react.

Now I know. And it is a big problem.

My hair HATES the heat. I've been a dry, frizzy mess for a couple of days now. I've been searching all my favorite sites to try and find some help, but I couldn't really find a lot on this subject.

So how do I deal with my hair in the heat?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Daily Love

I listen to these two songs religiously. She has a beautiful voice. Amel Larrieux <3

Curly Confessions

There are some things that I do that I KNOW aren't good for my hair. And yet, it seems as if i can't stop. For instance:

1. I have Hand-in-Hair syndrome.

If my hair is feeling super good and moisturized, I can't seem to keep  my hands out of it. I just can't resist twirling each little curl to make sure it still feels good. It's ridiculous, I know. This sucks for my hair, though, because I've read that constantly touching curly hair can:

  • break hair off
  • take oil out of your hair and onto your hand (which makes it dry!)
  • put oils from your hand onto your hair
None of these things are good and cause super frizz. So I know I've got to recover from this soon.

2. I'm a product junkie.

Every time I hear of a good hair product for natural hair I want to buy it sooo badly. I've learned the hard way that not all products are worth the hype (but more on that in another post). Also, what works for other people's hair won't necessarily work for my hair, so going out to buy every product that gets a good review online is a huge waste of money.

But my main problem with being a product junkie is that I constantly change my regimen to fit in the new product, and my hair (lovingly named Rosalia) does not always agree with that. I really need to learn to put any new products back on the shelf and just walk away.

3. I'm heavy handed.

Whoever says a little goes a long way with products was sooo right!

I didn't really believe it at first. Once my hair started growing I realized that it's alot thicker than I thought it'd be. So even though I have a teeny Afro, I would use alot of product on my hair for maximum curl and moisture.

The result?
Angry hair!! Rosalia was an oily mess, not to mention I was going through hair products like nobodies business.

Now I know my hair a lot better and I realize that I just need water and a little oil for sealant and Rosy is good to go.

I know I'm not the only one with hair issues such as these! So what are your Curly Confessions? And does anyone have advice for me on how to get over mine?

Till' next time,

Peace and Love

Style of Choice


Stay Beautiful Curlies! :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Grocery Store Hair Products

I love cheap hair products because:
  1. I don't have a job.
  2. I'm in college.
  3. I'm broke.
(And yes, I understand that all three of those are basically synonomous.)

SO I'm going to share with you some products with you that I use that are not only cheap, but you can find them at any grocery store and add them to your conditioners for some extra love for your curlies :).

1. Honey

I love adding honey to my conditoners! Honey is a humectant, meaning it holds onto water molecules which is PERFECT for natural hair like mine that needs alot of moisture.

2. EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)

This oil may be too heavy for some curls, but alittle goes a long way for this product. EVOO is great for hot oil treatments because it promotes scalp health and penetrates the hair shaft well.

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is another great oil for hair because it too penetrates the hair shaft for conditioning and it also is great for dry scalp. I love coconut oil because it's so light and doesn't weigh down my hair. Coconut oil scalp massagess are said to be great for scalp stimulation and hair growth!

4. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise treatments are good for dry hair and promote moisture and shine!

5. Egg Whites

Adding egg whites to a conditioner is great for dry and/or damaged hair because it adds protein to weak hair.

There are many more natural products that are great for hair health. Another list will be posted soon :)

My Hair Journey Q & A

What made you decide to go natural?

My roommate from freshman year was considering going natural, so I did some research on it to see what it was all about. I'd never been all that interested in my natural hair texture when I was younger. I remember having box braids in my hair allll the time in elementary school because I wanted to look like Brandy in her Moesha days lol. When I was around 12 I got my first perm because I just wanted to look like everybody else which was a BIG MISTAKE.

My hair never really recovered from all the damage. My hair was dry and severely damaged from all the heat I put on it with constant flat ironing. So after doing some research, I decided that going natural would definitely be the best way for me to get my hair healthy again. I had my last perm in April, and let my hair transition with micro-braids until August, when I cut it all off.

What kind of reaction did you get from doing the BC?

I was afraid everyone would hate it, but my loved ones liked the TWA on me...but I still put micro braids back in my hair until it got to a length where I was comfortable wearing it out. I do get some joking comments about it from my older brother, but what are brothers for if not to annoy you?

Is there anything else you'd like to share with curly girls and guys?

Always remember that no matter if your hair is long and straight or short and curly, true confidence comes from within.
Also. Good hair= Healthy hair :)
Me with a Perm  

 BIG CHOP! 3 Months Natural

6 Months Later... :)